The School

The School

Monday, April 28, 2008

Another New Blog

So I never know what to title my new posts (I'm being really creative today with "Another New Blog"). Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks for everyone's comments. I am too lazy right now to answer people's posts individually so this mass post will have to do! I will try to keep up on my blog while in Ghana (and hopefully learn how to post pictures successfully on it before I leave) but considering we won't have electricity or running water....the word "updated" is relative. Hopefully I'll be able to get on the internet at least twice a month....won't it be weird to not have access to a computer when I want to use it? This week has been pretty hectic: I walked at graduation, had family in town, have begun to pack, and today applied for my visa. Luckily everything has just fallen into place so far and I feel so blessed. HERE'S WHY:
Word to the wise: If you ever need a yellow fever shot, make sure you get it far in advance because there is a waiting list to get it. In order to travel to Ghana, you have to get a shot in order to get a visa. Andy and I were hoping to get out to Ghana asap because we are moving out the end of April and would be staying at my mom's house until we left. Anyway, I went to the Utah County Health Department last week and they told me in order to get a yellow fever shot I would have to wait 6 to 8 weeks...that really put a wrench in our plans. However, the BYU student health center said I could come on May 1st to get a shot. This was going to have to be good enough (even though we were worried because we didn't want to buy our plane tickets until we got our visas back so we knew we would be okay to enter into Ghana). Anyway, today I felt like I should go to the student health center to make sure I had a time to get a shot on Thursday, and the lady told me they had got a new shipment of yellow fever shots and I could get one today. So I got the shot and applied for the visa. Isn't that amazing? I feel like Heavenly Father is definetly helping us out. So now we will probably be flying out May 8th. We will miss everyone :)

Monday, April 21, 2008

A New Blog!

So I finally logged on to my blog's probably been a couple weeks (or months...j/k!) and was so excited to see that people actually read my blog! I really should get more into blogging but since I am so technologically challenged it might take me awhile to get into it. But as far as an update goes.....Andy is in the midst of finals. And if any of you know Andy and his school work ethic it means he is aways for days at a time on campus studying his brains out. I on the other hand have been working at Best Vinyl for the last five weeks, finally took my 4 hour social work liscensure exam this morning (and thankfully passed!), and am just starting to pack since we are moving in a week. Oh by the way...about four days ago it decided to for sure move to Ghana for the summer. We will be teaching elementary school students at an orphanage school. I am really excited to go and Andy and I are trying to hurry and arrange our yellow fever shots (there is a waiting list to get one), get our visas, and then buy plane tickets ( hopefully all this week). Anyway, I will post some pictures from my trip to Namibia two years ago in anticipation of this trip. Here comes the sun :)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Finally...those Christmas pictures (Sorry...I deleted them when I switched templates!)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


So I don't know if anyone else is intimidating by blogging...but I totally am! I think that not knowing where to start writing is daunting so I think I'll start slow and start with some pictures. Here are some highlights from our Christmas trip to Seattle.